Lot's Wife by Rosalind Chase

An Eliza Review

Lot’s Wife by @rosalindchasewrites

Ratings (out of 5)
Chemistry: πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Heat: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Kink: ⛓⛓⛓⛓

“In Sodom we never needed a reason to celebrate. Life was enough. Life was all.” When the invading army comes, things change. People grow and thrive. People wither on the vine. But Lot’s Wife? Lot’s Wife is water - water that will adapt to the container in which she finds herself, water that will give life and destroy obstacles. She’ll learn just how powerful she is as she discovers her passion, her agency, and the importance of story - both the stories we tell ourselves and the stories people tell when we’re gone.

It’s hard to do justice to just how incredible this book is. Chase’s prose is so lush, so lyrical, that it’s as if she reaches through the page and gently pulls you through the veil and into her world. I stayed up until 3AM to finish it because I literally could not go to sleep without having finished it. (And it was worth every yawn the next day.)

Lot’s Wife is not just a beautifully rendered story, however. It is also one of the sexiest books I have read in recent memory. But Chase’s skills at writing gorgeous prose translate into sex scenes that are so vivid, so very alive that you’ll feel like you’re watching through an open window. Tender but raw, beautiful but gritty, sensual and, yes, ancient world kinky. Chase does it all so, so well. ⠀

Lot’s Wife is a much needed addition to the genre of Ancient World romance/erotica. Jaw dropping and heart wrenching, with Lot’s Wife, Chase gives women the story we’ve long deserved. (Don’t miss the special preorder price of $1.99. It’ll be the best $1.99 you’ll spend this year.)

Kiss and Tell:⠀
Lot’s Wife features a smorgasbord of sexy delights, including a dom/sub relationship, bondage, spanking, group sex, ancient world sex toys, oral sex, penetrative sex, and so much in between. This is not an erotic novel with a loose plot to support the kinky sex. Rather, this is an erotic novel where the story and kinky sex are so beautifully interwoven than one could not exist without the other.

Lot's Wife is available for preorder now!


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